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  • Paige Sun

Grey Goose's Holiday with the Espresso Martini

With the dawn of December comes the nearing of the end of the year, and the time to say goodbye to the year past and celebrate the future! In order to make sure that you spend this festive season fashionably dressed up, enjoying cherished time with friends and family, we take it upon ourselves to give you the best tips and tricks on how to truly take pleasure in your well-deserved cocktails, in style!

This time around, the old-fashioned party favors are out, and experimenting with your taste palette is in. Leave the usual (and might we add boring) wine bottle at home and opt for a cocktail for your next party. Don’t hesitate to play with ingredients, spices, and liquors for the ultimately exciting evening that will leave you with a taste to remember until next year. Might you need some inspiration for what to prepare for your beloved guests, Grey Goose is here for guidance.

The Grey Goose party-goers had the taste of the wonderful tasting menu and newest additions to the cocktail bar, amongst which was an actor, presenter, artist, and a beloved Grey Goose ambassador Défano Holwijn, whose preferred cocktail is the iconic dry martini, classic, strong, and tasteful.

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